My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Dream Thieves picks up right where The Raven Boys leaves us. The ley line has been woken by Adam, who is struggling to understand what this means for himself personally as well as everyone else. Ronan can take things from his dreams and is starting to learn what the full weight of that ability entails. Gansey is himself, but the people and relationships around him are changing and he is struggling to keep his friends and his search for Glendower intact. Blue is experiencing a lot of different feelings and is struggling with her own secrets. She continues to fight falling in love, while periodically trying to assess whether she is in love. The more things change, the more she understands what she has to lose. Noah is struggling with his presence as the surges in energy are making it impossible for him to remain "alive".
I've said this about other books by Maggie Stiefvater, but it bears repeating- her words have weight. They create moods and cause feelings. She is capable of creating understanding with words alone in situations that the reader has likely never experienced or imagined. Everything is vivid, and each word is important.
Each character in this story is so unique (in general and they are different from one another), and it is easy for the reader to get a sense of who each character believes themselves to be, as well as how they are perceived by others. In this book we get to experience aspects of the story from nearly every character's perspective, and are introduced to a couple of new characters that make fantastic additions to this already amazing and eclectic cast. We also get to see a little deeper into Blue's home and family, and spend more time with that incredible group of women. Ronan's family secrets are revealed, and it makes him and his family even more complex and interesting.
It made me a little anxious to see everyone's relationships changing and evolving, and watch how the mysteries of the ley line and Greywarren are causing all sorts of general and personal upheavals for the entire group. There was definitely more tension with Blue's kissing policy (and prophesy) conflicting with the new feelings arising in her that are becoming ever more intense and making it harder and harder to resist. It seems like with every new experience and each bit of information, a whole mess of new mysteries and conflict arise.
There is a lot of serious adventure and danger in this book and we are still left waiting to see how some of the predictions we have heard since the beginning of The Raven Cycle are going to play out. I can't wait to find out where the next book will lead. But I suppose I'll have to.
*A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review
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