Title: Elementals: Season 1
Author: Author: S.G. Basu
Published: September 29th, 2015
Publisher: Vinayaka Publishing
Genre: Science Fiction Thriller
Content Warning: Mild violence and language
Recommended Age: 15+
Synopsis: Mayhem is about to visit Löthia.
Löthia is at peace–after a millennium of genetic tinkering, Löthians’ power over the elements has been obliterated. The Elemental Wars that have plagued their civilization from the beginning of time is now distant history.
But have the Elementals been tamed for good?
Or is this just the quiet before the storm rips Löthia apart once again?
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Excerpt from Elementals: Season 1 by S.G. Basu:
Nothing during the course of the grouchy summer day indicated that, by the time it was over, seventeen-year-old Anavyx Elon would be accused of the grisliest murder in recent Löthian history.
Dual complete moons blazed across the purple skies of Löthia that evening, and there shouldn’t have been any interruptions to Anavyx’s routine, yet there was.
She heard the faint noise of her bedroom door opening when she was halfway through her shower. Her body, warm from the water cascading down from the canopy over her head, stiffened immediately.
“Moma?” Anavyx called, voice trembling a little as her throat dried up with fear. No one replied.
It couldn’t be Moma.
Alana, her mother, was a top geneticist in the Peaks. Her evening consultation hours ended precisely at 2030 hours, not a moment before or after. There was no reason for her to leave her patients and come into the private section of the house looking for Anavyx.
Maybe it was Dadi.
Anavyx banished that idea with a shake of her head. It was impossible. Her father did not set foot in the house before midnight. Nothing except a calamity would bring him home this early. And even if he came home, he would never venture into her room. So who could it be?
There was no other noise after the door opened. That was the oddest thing—the silence. It made her insides curl up in a tight ball.
Anavyx reached for her robe and having wrapped its flowing expanse around herself, tiptoed forward to investigate. She barely took a step into her room, heart pounding uncontrollably fast and unbearably loud, when she saw him.

About the Author:
S.G. Basu is an aspiring potentate of a galaxy or two. She plots and plans with wondrous machines, cybernetic robots, time travelers and telekinetic adventurers, some of whom escape into the pages of her books.
Once upon a previous life on planet Earth, S.G. Basu trained to be an engineer, and her interest in science and her love of engineering shows up time and again in her books.
She shares her home with a large collection of Legos, a patient husband, and resident inspiration and entertainer, her daughter.
Giveaway Details:
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- $10 Amazon gift card
- An ecopy of Elementals, Season 1
Ends November 30th, 2015 11:59 PM (EST)
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