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Title: Lock & Key
Author: Cat Porter
The fabulous Cat Porter has reissued Lock & Key with a brand spanking new cover, a few edits to the manuscript and a surprise or two for her readers (hint: an additional scene may be included!)
About Lock & Key:
Love not only stings when you lose it, when it’s ripped away, but when it first sinks its teeth into you, it can cut just as raw and sting just as deep. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that. I was allegedly South Dakota's most famous Old Lady. Fifteen years ago I had survived my Old Man’s murder and swore to myself never again. Never again surrender my heart. Never again sacrifice to the Club. But that all changed in one night. I came home and crashed into him, and my past and present blew up in my face. Both of us lonely, running on empty, and unwilling to admit it. Until now. I feel things I'd forgotten about, want things I had cut out of my insides. Who holds the keys to betrayal? To suspicion? To trust? To brotherhood? To family? To a bleeding heart? Right now, I just might. I suppose some of us have to get really dirty before we can become truly clean.
Amazon // Barnes & Noble
Q&A with Cat Porter:When and why did you begin writing? I’ve been writing short stories and poems since I was ten. I was an obsessive reader as a child, and being an only child I had an intense imagination. Journal writing has been essential to my sanity throughout my life as well. It was and is the only way I could make sense of things and feel centered. About three years ago I started writing full time again. We live in Greece now and when the political and economic situation began to crumble here I had an extremely emotional, gut wrenching reaction, and I realized I had to keep centered for my children and myself. Focusing on writing again and writing love redemption stories and continuing my children’s stories kept me sane and engaged in the positive and also helps keep me full of hope for a better day. I do it every day without fail. Like working out and taking my vitamins. No question. Ever.
When you start a book, do you already have the whole story in your head or is it built progressively? I have the beginning and I have the end. Those two are always very clear. But then I have no bloody idea how to get from A to Z. That’s where the fun and the madness begins. Both L&K and Wolfsgate were written without formal outlines, I just kept thinking, what do I need to see here...what will bring me there...how can I connect this and that....My work in progress, the new One- Eyed Jacks book has an outline.
Can you share a little of your current work with us? After having abandoned her hometown fifteen years ago upon the murder of her husband a club officer, former old lady Grace Quillen returns and immediately becomes ensnared in betrayals, suspicion and ancient club rivalries along with club member Miller or “Lock”, a man intertwined with her past. Both Grace and Lock struggle with their shared emotional past, unexpected desires of their demanding present, and an overwhelming yearning for redemption and a better future. Risky schemes, explosive secrets, and flawed decisions force past and present into an inevitable, volatile confrontation for Grace and Lock within a bike club that is fighting for its own survival.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? I want to thank my readers for their support and all their good wishes, they mean so very much to me! I very much appreciate that they took a chance on “Lock & Key”, and I hope they take a chance on my historical. I really enjoy hearing from them and being in touch. Social media never ceases to amaze me as an immediate gratification outlet for our enthusiasm. xxoxx !!
About the Author:
Cat Porter was born and raised in New York City, but also spent a few years in Europe and Texas along the way. As an introverted, only child, she had very big, but very secret dreams for herself. She graduated from Vassar College, was a struggling actress, an art gallery girl, special events planner, freelance writer and had all sorts of other crazy jobs all hours of the day and night to help make her dreams come true. She has two children’s books traditionally published under her maiden name. She now lives in Athens, Greece with her husband and three children, and freaks out regularly and still daydreams way too much. She is addicted to the History Channel, her iPad, her husband’s homemade red wine, really dark chocolate, and her Nespresso coffee machine. Writing keeps her somewhat sane, extremely happy, and a productive member of society.
Includes a very special necklace that inspired the new cover of Lock & Key.
This handmade antiqued silver plate necklace featuring a double-faced carved skull is an original Blue Bayer exclusive design made in NYC. (And by the way, Johnny Depp owns one!) Blue's unique jewelry has been featured in Vogue and many other fashion magazines.

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