He deals in a world of violence, sex, drugs, and crudity. As president of the Death Dwellers' Motorcycle Club, Christopher "Outlaw" Caldwell presides over a club in chaos after the death of their longtime president and his mentor, Joseph "Boss" Foy. Megan Foy runs from her abusive stepfather, hoping for her daddy's intervention to save her and get her terrified mother away before it's too late. Only problem is, she soon discovers her beloved daddy is dead and the man who killed him is the man she's falling in love with. This is a full-length novel.
My Review:

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Megan finally runs away from an incredibly abusive step-father who abuses Megan physically and sexually, and abuses Megan's mother even worse. Megan hasn't seen her father in a couple years because of her step-father, but she remembers him as a man who has always loved her and sworn to protect her. She flees to the motorcycle club where her father is president, but finds that he is dead. The new president, Outlaw is crass, and gruff, and sexy. As he protects her in a world where she is all alone, she finds herself falling in love with him. What she doesn't yet know is that he killed her father.
This is not your typical MC genre story. These bikers aren't messing around and they aren't secretly gentle men with a gruff exterior. The characters in this story are rough and raw and have been through and done things that are seriously violent. This is the kind of book where even though I was hooked right away and read it straight through, at no point did I want to exchange lives with any of these characters. It was definitely fascinating to spend time in this chaotic world where Outlaw was struggling to keep his MC together in the face of some serious adversity, and figure out what to do with the runaway daughter of a man he once loved but ultimately had to kill. He is also struggling with his attraction to her all the while knowing that she doesn't really belong in the kind of life he has to offer. Lots of excitement here, and definitely some sexy sexy sex going on. I would read more by this author in the future. 3.5 stars.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review

A scream rose above the music and laughter humming in the background. Then silence. Complete and utter silence. Rack winced. Outlaw pulled his nine, a reflex reaction and started down the hallway. Light reflected off the gigantic mural of the Grim Reaper, his scythe dripping blood, his eye sockets burning red. “Daddy!” The wail pierced the sudden stillness as he rounded the corner. A little blonde urchin barreled into him and semi-peaceful waves kicked into his brain. She stopped, his gun inches from her head and he loosened his grip. He stared into familiar eyes. Blue. Intense. Brilliant. A perfect mirror of the former president of his MC. Only these eyes were unfamiliar. And not because of the dark circles ringing them. They were the eyes of the daughter of the man he’d killed.
Ebook: December 5, 2013 - $3.99 Print: January 5, 2014 - $11.50 – ISBN 13: 978-1494269173

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