By Claudia Burgoa
By Claudia Burgoa
Releasing July 21st,
0.99 New Release!
As a rule, men don’t grow up believing in a happily ever after. We don’t believe in meeting the love of our lives or the white picket fence, and 2.5 children. Every man thinks that those stupid dreams or fantasies are just nonexistent shit until it happens to them. We should have been forewarned.
I wish I was prepared for someone to appear in my life and change all my priorities. I suddenly wanted that fence and children. The part of meeting the love of my life became very real, but I wasn’t ready for suddenly losing it all, and my life plummeting into this shithole forever.
The heartbreak of losing your soulmate is one of the worst pains you will ever live with. I should campaign and warn the young people. Vaccinate against love because if you lose it, you could lose yourself for the rest of your life. The burden on your back will forever mark you and wither away your soul, darkening your days and the rest of your natural life.
This isn’t false advertisement or a dramatic display of one bitter soul.
I fought by my mother's side until her last breath, and tried to help my father until his last memories dissipated. My sister is the last one standing, but her life is a miracle that can end at any given moment. All my life I’ve never been alone, but always felt lonely.
Today, my options on how to live my life are endless, yet my heart and my best friend limit them. Stay in Seattle, close to the one person that will never let me inside his world.
The thug, as mom would've called him. A man with a bad boy attitude and a heart bigger than the ocean.
As a rule, men don’t grow up believing in a happily ever after. We don’t believe in meeting the love of our lives or the white picket fence, and 2.5 children. Every man thinks that those stupid dreams or fantasies are just nonexistent shit until it happens to them. We should have been forewarned.
I wish I was prepared for someone to appear in my life and change all my priorities. I suddenly wanted that fence and children. The part of meeting the love of my life became very real, but I wasn’t ready for suddenly losing it all, and my life plummeting into this shithole forever.
The heartbreak of losing your soulmate is one of the worst pains you will ever live with. I should campaign and warn the young people. Vaccinate against love because if you lose it, you could lose yourself for the rest of your life. The burden on your back will forever mark you and wither away your soul, darkening your days and the rest of your natural life.
This isn’t false advertisement or a dramatic display of one bitter soul.
I fought by my mother's side until her last breath, and tried to help my father until his last memories dissipated. My sister is the last one standing, but her life is a miracle that can end at any given moment. All my life I’ve never been alone, but always felt lonely.
Today, my options on how to live my life are endless, yet my heart and my best friend limit them. Stay in Seattle, close to the one person that will never let me inside his world.
The thug, as mom would've called him. A man with a bad boy attitude and a heart bigger than the ocean.
My Review

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Pria has been living her life around her sister's illness for as long as she can remember. She loves her sister very much, and wants her to be around as long as possible, but her mother places demands on her that prevent her from living a life of her own without additional benefit to her sister's health. She finally gets to go away to college for a few months, and while getting her books, she meets Jacob. Jacob is a triplet and has two famous parents. He has had a very unconventional life, and he and his twin brother are trying to finish their degrees (their parent's requirement before they can focus on their music). From the minute he meets Pria, he feels a strong connection to her and wants to make her his. Then life happens for both of them and nothing goes as planned.
I've read and enjoyed the first two books in this series, so I was already familiar with and care about the Colthurst-Deckers. I did find that it took me longer to connect with this story than the first two. I understood that Jacob, Matthew, and AJ had a very strange upbringing, but Jacob's behavior when he first meets Pria is just strange. It made it hard for me to see how someone who wasn't already invested in that family would become attached to them at that point. Pria was an easy character to like and care about right of the bat. She is trying her hardest to move forward in her life, while putting everyone's needs before her own. I was truly hoping that she would be able to find some happiness of her own. After some of the initial hyperbolic speech between the two of them (which was a bit much), I did enjoy the connection Jacob and Pria shared.
They are torn apart by a series of life events, and it seemed like both were doomed to lives of struggle. Years later when their paths cross again, they are both very different people. Even though this was an emotionally difficult part of the story, it was the part that had me the most engaged. I do love the Colthurst-Decker family dynamic and watching them rally around one another was really endearing. I also liked seeing Pria come into her own and start putting her own needs first. Even though Jacob had turned into someone who was a little harder for me to like, watching him work through his issues was rewarding. I would recommend this to people who have enjoyed the others in the series, and I look forward to reading the next book to learn more about Matthew. 3.5 stars
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
“Can we
order them online?” Matthew whines while waving the booklist in front of me. We
could, with a few clicks and a credit card, but I want to have the whole
college experience, and that includes the campus bookstore. “Think about the
hours of sleep I’ve missed already.”
Not even
glancing in his direction, I continue my way to our destination. Moments like
these make me wonder if we made the right decision about heading to UW instead
of following our sister to UT. AJ would help with babysitting Matthew—and maybe
me too. Instead of a dorm, perhaps the parents would’ve leased an apartment for
the three of us. She’d clean, I’d help her cook, and we wouldn’t be miles
I won’t ever
admit this in front of her, but I miss my sister. We’ve gone months without her
because of summer camps or vacations. However, this situation is different from
the others. This time she’s going to be far away for years. Two bachelor’s
degrees, a master’s, and whatever else she plans to do with her life. Matthew
tried to persuade her not to go to Texas. We even agreed to follow her to any
music school that accepted her, but she declined all of them.
As my
brother and I discussed our options, Seattle won. Our parents own an apartment
they are letting us use, we have access to the recording studios, and our
father Chris visits Seattle often. Neither of my parents plan on visiting my
sister. Both avoid being seen with us in public. A part of our daily life,
living in the shadows because of their fame.
“We’ll go in
and out, Matthew James.” I push on the glass door, and as we enter, we both
stop in our tracks. The entire place is jam-packed—clearly the first sign we’re
in the wrong place and why we should find a way to move in with Princess-bitch.
She’s usually the one who keeps us organized. Without her, I have to create my
own evil plan. “You get in line, I’ll gather the books.”
“Can we come
back at a better time?” He hunches his shoulders, using a dreadful voice.
“No.” I
fight the urge to slap him in the back of his head for behaving like a child.
“Your job is to stand in line.”
I hurry
through the mass of college students, gather the books on the list, and head
back to where MJ waits.
“Here, carry
your own shit.” I hand him half of the stack and keep the other half. “They’re
“Why buy two
of each?” That’s a rich question coming from the guy who had issues lending his
toys, and sharing his drums, guitar, or any other object he owned.
“For the
same reason our parents always bought two or three of each.” He gives me a
hooded glare. “You have trouble sharing and making decisions on what you want
to do. This is college, not home.”
He shakes
his head, rolling his eyes in exasperation. The mane of dreadlocks dangles
along with his face. “Dude, I’m not a child anymore. We’ll take one set and
save some of that money they gave us.”
I hang my
head without uttering a word. He dares to tell me with a straight face that he
isn’t a child anymore. The dreadlocks and Jamaican hat imply the opposite. The
outfit he wears screams party: “I’m here for the beer, the sex, and whatever
else they throw my way.”
“Humor me,
MJ. Let’s take both sets.”
I plan on
having fun too, because all work and no fun isn’t my game. However, he’s all
fun and little work when our parents aren’t around. Just one reason why I’m
hauling his ass. The main reason is because I have no fucking idea what I would
do without him. This dude and I have never been apart. Never. Ever. And the
thought of that happening this soon scares the shit out of me. I’m not ready to
face the freaking real world without him. One day we’ll do it, but not yet.
“As long as
you do my homework, you can buy as many books as you want, Jacob.” I slam a
hand on my forehead. That had been a stupid promise.
He wanted to
be an English major, a useless degree that would take him too long and would be
a waste of our time, as we both want to pursue our music career. He made the
right choice when I explained that the more time we spend in college, the more
we have to push the release of our second EP. The band is our life. We started
it two years ago, released a few singles and one EP, and toured with a couple
of bands. Nothing too far from the West Coast, but we do have a small fan base.
Pushing him
toward finishing school with me was easy, as I’d promised to help him study, do
his assignments, and be his personal butler for the first month. As far as I’m
concerned, in a couple of years we’ll be as famous as our father, Chris, and
we’ll hire our own butler. If we can stick to the plan for one entire school
year, we’ll earn our freedom.
“No, Mommy.”
I hear a soft voice behind me. My ears tingle with the sound and it makes me
look that way. “I’m telling the truth.”
A black
curtain of curls blocks the view of the female subject that piqued my interest.
She holds a bunch of old books, and her eyes remain on the floor, even when I
clear my voice trying to grab her attention. That’s when I realize she’s on the
phone. I stare at her olive colored legs and the fun, pink Converse sneakers
she’s wearing. Time to implement some of those moves I keep in reserve to lure
a girl in. College awaits. If only I had done this while we toured—flirt with
girls. However, Chris traveled with us and used his hawk-like vision, steering
us away from trouble. The two times he was unable to join, he sent his trusted
friend and bodyguard, Arthur Bradley. Unlike the other bands, we were escorted
straight out of the venue once we had finished playing.
College is
the opportunity to expand my horizons, get acquainted with the opposite sex,
and have sex. My brother elbows me, giving me a warning glare. Choosing to
ignore him is a no-brainer. With a beauty like this, I couldn’t have picked a
first college fling better if I’d tried.
About Claudia Burgoa
Born on the mystical day of October 30th in
the not so mystical lands of Mexico City, Claudia grew up with a childhood that
resembled a caffeine-injected soap opera. Seventeen years ago she ventured to
the lands of her techie husband—a.k.a. the U.S.—with their offspring to start a
new adventure.She now lives in Colorado working as a CFO for a small IT company, managing her household filled with three confused dogs, said nerd husband, two daughters wrought with fandoms and a son who thinks he’s the boss of the house. To survive she works continually to find purpose for the voices flitting through her head, plus she consumes high quantities of chocolate to keep the last threads of sanity intact.
About The Unexpected Series:
Unlike Any Other – Book 1
The name AJ Colthurst may not have any meaning to the public eye, but it should, as I’m the daughter of two famous celebrities. Like any superstar, they crave privacy; so much of it, they built a house in the middle of nowhere for us children. As we grew older, we discovered the lies they built as a fort to protect us from the media, ended up causing emotional damage along the way.
I carry a portion of the guilt on my shoulders; the other part I discovered is the separation of my parents. Their unorthodox ways may have driven me bonkers, but knowing they are no longer together is unacceptable.
That’s why I decided to rattle their cage by reminding at least one of my parents of the past and the reason they belong together. They need to remember why their love is so perfect and why they have to fight to keep it alive. Even if it means I have to dredge up some of my own painful memories along the way.
The name AJ Colthurst may not have any meaning to the public eye, but it should, as I’m the daughter of two famous celebrities. Like any superstar, they crave privacy; so much of it, they built a house in the middle of nowhere for us children. As we grew older, we discovered the lies they built as a fort to protect us from the media, ended up causing emotional damage along the way.
I carry a portion of the guilt on my shoulders; the other part I discovered is the separation of my parents. Their unorthodox ways may have driven me bonkers, but knowing they are no longer together is unacceptable.
That’s why I decided to rattle their cage by reminding at least one of my parents of the past and the reason they belong together. They need to remember why their love is so perfect and why they have to fight to keep it alive. Even if it means I have to dredge up some of my own painful memories along the way.
Back in the early eighties, I set myself to succeed in the financial world. The first step had been moving to New York City to become a stockbroker, but things didn’t work out the way I had hoped. Instead, I ended up making movies and by the end of the decade, Gabe Colt had become a famous name. The downside to my career of choice: the paparazzi. In order to protect my family and our privacy, I maintained my family away from the circus. It had been for their own good; a decision we had made before we started our family.
However, those past decisions ended up chasing my entire family away and now I’m trying to put the pieces back together along with my little girl.
Note: This book may contain high levels of testosterone. A Hot Actor, Hot musicians and A Hottie who believes he’s a hero.
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Unsurprisingly Complicated – Book 2
The lies between my parents and I came to light and now I’m working on a new life for myself. Along the way, I have my trusty superhero, Mason, to lean on when I have a hard time standing or when my crazy ex-boyfriend continues to feel he has a claim on me.
Porter has trouble understanding that there hasn’t been an ‘us’ for more than three years plus all the issues he had brought upon himself. My father was right, drugs do kill. My other confern is the growing feelings I am having regarding Mason. There’s something between us I want to explore but I keep getting mixed signals. Here, I thought that after telling my parents about my lies and having their full support, things wouldn’t be as complicated as they are.
My parents divorced before I even made my entrance into this world. My father has been obsessed with that love for years while my mother searches for love in all the wrong places. I don’t want a place to call home or a girl I can claim as mine. Except… Ainsley Janine — better known as ‘Nine’ — has some special power that makes me question my preferences. The more I try to stay away from her, the more she pulls me closer.
Exploring the possibilities of having something steady in my life isn’t a problem; it’s the long term that worries me. In addition to that, the scumbag she dated years ago keeps popping up everywhere we go. If I could use my license to kill, maybe I can stop worrying about one thing and concentrate on what to do with the green eyed girl who keeps me awake most nights.
The lies between my parents and I came to light and now I’m working on a new life for myself. Along the way, I have my trusty superhero, Mason, to lean on when I have a hard time standing or when my crazy ex-boyfriend continues to feel he has a claim on me.
Porter has trouble understanding that there hasn’t been an ‘us’ for more than three years plus all the issues he had brought upon himself. My father was right, drugs do kill. My other confern is the growing feelings I am having regarding Mason. There’s something between us I want to explore but I keep getting mixed signals. Here, I thought that after telling my parents about my lies and having their full support, things wouldn’t be as complicated as they are.
My parents divorced before I even made my entrance into this world. My father has been obsessed with that love for years while my mother searches for love in all the wrong places. I don’t want a place to call home or a girl I can claim as mine. Except… Ainsley Janine — better known as ‘Nine’ — has some special power that makes me question my preferences. The more I try to stay away from her, the more she pulls me closer.
Exploring the possibilities of having something steady in my life isn’t a problem; it’s the long term that worries me. In addition to that, the scumbag she dated years ago keeps popping up everywhere we go. If I could use my license to kill, maybe I can stop worrying about one thing and concentrate on what to do with the green eyed girl who keeps me awake most nights.
Grab your copy for only $0.99!
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