Title: Spin (Songs of Corruption #1)
Author: C. D. Reiss
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: March 12, 2014
Mafia capo, Antonio Spinelli blew through my orderly life like a cyclone.
Gorgeous and passionate, with a breathtaking brutality, he put me under his spell the moment he touched me, drawing me into his underworld of risk, violence and betrayal.
And I found, just as this sophisticated savage didn’t trust me, I didn’t trust myself. Something happened to me. Some alchemy from the heat between us.
I discovered I was a savage, too.
***You do NOT need to read Songs of Submission to read Spin***
My Review:
My Review:

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Theresa has ended her relationship with her ex-fiance who happens to be the current DA and mayoral candidate after she caught him cheating on her. She finds herself feeling disconnected from everything until she runs into Antonio Spinelli and suddenly feels awake again for the first time in a long time. Theresa is a straight-laced accountant who works hard and supports her best friends creative efforts. She has a couple encounters with Spin and finds out that he can do more for her sexually than anyone has been able to before. He is completely closed off to her in other ways and refuses to answer her questions, which is causing problems for both of them since they seem to be at an impasse. Theresa starts to learn about some of the realities of Spin's life and he does not want her dragged into that life despite his inability to stay away from her.
This is not one of those books where I want to be one of the characters. There is some scary stuff and some high drama going on here. It is very intense, very sexy, and very exciting to read about and experience from a distance. The story engaged me quickly and even though I started to think I knew where it was going, I had no idea just how twisted and involved these characters would get with one another and with a terrifying set of circumstances. I am interested to see where things go next, and will be eagerly anticipating the release of the next book in the series.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
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About the Author
CD Reiss lives smack in the middle of Los Angeles with her children and husband. She likes to make pretty pictures and write dirty scenes. She eats dark chocolate and chili, together, sometimes with bacon, and doesn't care what you think about that.
There are a million more things she could tell you about herself besides that, but they're all too boring to mention in company.
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