T. Torrest
Down the Shore
Jack Tanner is a contractor-turned-musician in a small-town cover band suddenly thrust into the limelight. He’s already had enough of the rock-and-roll lifestyle, and groupies have never been his thing. Then again… there’s a gorgeous brunette in the audience tonight, checking him out with the most incredible green eyes he’s ever seen. She's looking for a fling. He's looking for forever. It’s gonna be one helluva summer.
Set in the summer of 1995, Down the Shore takes the reader on a tour through some of the Jersey shore’s hottest hot spots over one, sleepless, flannel-clad summer. It’s a look back to a time when the music was groundbreaking, the rock clubs were king, and bar bands ruled the world. Read when you're in the mood for: something light, funny, romantic, beachy, and nostalgic. For ages 18+. ***Not recommended for anyone under the age of 18, and/or any readers who are slut-shamers, guido sympathizers, beach haters or anti-music. Other people who should walk away from this book immediately: Readers who have sticks up their butts regarding offensive language, those who don't like detailed sex in their stories, idiots who think "Jersey Shore" has anything to do with actual New Jerseyans, and anyone who can't appreciate pop-culture from the mother-effing nineties.***
My Review:

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Livia loves music, and she enjoys having some fun musicians after a good show. She isn't looking for anything serious, and when she meets Jack after seeing his band play Livia is very interested in having some fun with Jack. Jack is very attracted to Livia as soon as he meets her, but has decided that he is done with empty sex. He wants a relationship with more. After some back and forth and realizing their attraction for one another isn't going to go away, they negotiate an arrangement where they will go on a number of dates before having sex.
I liked both main characters and the unique spin on the rocker romance. There were times when Jack seemed a little too good to be true, but there was no denying the chemistry between he and Livia. I liked how their friendship became strong as they attempted to date one another on a real level. I also got more emotionally invested when I found myself getting really angry or frustrated with the characters or their choices. Overall, I enjoyed this and would read more by this author in the future. 3.5 stars.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
Jack's lips purse together, as if he's literally trying to bite his tongue. Instead, his eyelids lower to half-mast as he says, “You’re not so tough, you know. You try to put up this big front, but your act is pretty transparent.” I put a hand to my hip. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m not putting on an act.” “Sure you are. This whole groupie thing you’ve got going on. I’m not buying it.” “I wasn’t trying to sell it.” At that, he cracks a small smile, and it makes me feel more vulnerable than had I been standing there completely naked. You know, kind of like how he almost is. The thing is, I almost don’t mind being called out by him, since most guys don’t bother to scratch beyond the surface. It’s flattering to think that Jack is intrigued enough to try. Because honestly? I was full of it when I said I wasn’t acting. I’m sort of impressed that he was able to figure me out so soon. Hell. I haven’t even figured me out yet. Twenty-something is hard. Trying to discover who you are and who you’re going to be. Some people figure it out early, have it all together. And some people go a little off the deep end and wind up with multiple sex partners, trying to shut out the crushing trauma of trying to find their place in the world. That’s why his assessment isn’t necessarily a relief. No one likes having their walls torn down, having their shitty reality thrown in their face. I’m sure the unease is playing out on my face as I bite my lip during our awkward silence. Right now, all I want is to make my escape. “I should bring these down to Monty. He’s going to wonder what’s taking me so long.” He gives me a long, hard look at that, his lip curling into a dangerous smirk. “He can wait. I can’t.” Before I know it, I’m dropping the pans to the floor as he backs me against the wall, his lips crashing down on mine. I want to shove him away, but hot damn. He’s fucking way too good at making me fall to pieces. I kiss him back, because really, what the hell else can I be expected to do? I smooth my hands up his torso, feeling the muscles of his chest jumping under my palms. I slip my fingers into his hair and part my lips against his, sweeping my tongue inside, his cool, minty taste invading my senses. His insistent lips slant across my own as his hands pull me closer against his length. Despite my wishes to the contrary, my heart starts beating out of my goddamned chest. It triples in pace when I realize Jack’s is racing, too. He pulls back to take a much needed breath, shooting those mysterious gray eyes into mine. He runs a finger across my bottom lip, lightly brushing it back and forth. “Your mouth,” his aching voice scratches out. “I could lose myself against these lips.” My brain tumbles over itself as he comes back in for another kiss, wondering if this means he’s changed his mind about letting me do all sorts of crazy stuff to his peen. Because I totally will. Just as soon as he lets me.
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