Her Kind of Man by Nona Raines SPECTRUM, #2
Publication Date: November 10, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBT, Romance
Buy: Loose-ID • Amazon • B&N • Kobo • iBooks • ARe
During the day, Roy Girard works with truckers. It's a macho environment where a man is judged by how tough he is. And everyone knows Roy as one of the toughest.
On his own time Roy helps mentor young people who are LGBT, and cares about them as if they were his own. He's in love with Venetia, a trans woman.
He's careful to keep his nine-to-five completely separate from his private life. He knows his work buddies wouldn't understand. And he doesn't want Venetia exposed to their crude, narrow-minded views. It's his job to protect her.
But when his two worlds collide, he has to make a choice. In trying to protect the woman he loves, he asks for more than she can give. In his need to keep her safe, he risks pushing her out of his life forever.*NOTE* Her Kind of Man is the sequel to His Kind of Woman.
My Review

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
As Roy and Venetia move forward in their relationship with one another, it becomes clear that they will continue to face challenges. Roy works with some overt bigots and his response at work is mostly to stay quiet and not reveal much personal information about his relationship. He continues to mentor LGBTQ teens, and really values the group and his time with them. It becomes clear that Roy is going to need to deal with the consequences of his his separate work and home "worlds" colliding.
This book really needs to be read after the first in the series (His Kind of Woman) as this story continues from that one, and it is helpful to have Roy and Venetia's full history. Like with the first, we really get a good picture of the difficulty and danger people face by simply existing outside of the typical gender or sexuality spectrum. I loved being pleasantly surprised by a character who I didn't expect to exhibit tolerance. Roy and Venetia are clearly a great fit for one another, and I was really hoping that their relationship would survive the challenges they faced. As with the first, I felt that this was a pretty intense story to be covered so quickly. More development of the characters and plot definitely would have been appreciated. 3.5 stars.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
His Kind of Woman, Book #1 in the SPECTRUM series...
His Kind of Woman by Nona Raines SPECTRUM, #1
Publication Date: June 13, 2013
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBT, Romance
Buy: Loose-ID • Amazon • B&N • Kobo
When Roy Girard went looking for Victor Varrano, he never expected a woman to answer the door. He soon discovers that Victor is now Venetia. Roy's startled, but even more surprised by his attraction to her. As they spend time together, he doesn't want to let her go. But she's sure to dump him when she learns his secret.
Venetia's falling hard and fast for Roy. But when she learns that his brother was the bully who tormented her in high school, she's shattered. She can't wrap her head around the fact that the man who made such amazing love to her could so completely betray her trust.
My Review:

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Roy goes looking for a man named Victor in order to right some wrongs that his brother had caused in his youth. An attractive woman, Venetia, answers the door and Roy learns later that Venetia was once Victor. Venetia and Roy can't fight their attraction to one another, but Roy needs to disclose that it was his younger brother who was so cruel to Venetia in her youth. Venetia doesn't want to find a reason to forgive the person who caused her so much pain in her youth.
There were things I liked a lot about this book. I liked how we get to see the characters work their way through some pretty challenging issues and grow as people in the process. From Travis we see how someone's internal struggles can cause them to hurt those around them in an attempt to cope. From Roy we can see how someone can become kind and accepting after practicing intolerance. Venetia figures out how to be her true self in the face of danger and adversity and also learns how to forgive someone you never thought you could forgive. The chemistry between Roy and Venetia is very steamy, and their attraction to one another is palpable. My main gripe about the book is that it was really short for the intensity of the issues it dealt with. I felt like more time and more character development would have made this better. I would read more by this author in the future.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for and honest review
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