Of Happiness (Pursuit #2) by Olivia Luck: My Review

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Of Happiness picks up right where we are left at the end of In Pursuit. Eddie has walked away from a situation that is tearing her apart, but she knows that she needs to. Harrison knows that he screwed up royally, and makes it his mission to make it up to Eddie and regain her trust and affection. Harris isn't the only person working to get into Eddie's good graces. Her father has shown up and is attempting to atone for his years of emotional distance from his daughter. While Eddie and Harrison are working through their own issues, everything is made more challenging when it is clear that someone is working against them.
One thing I loved about this book was Eddie's trust in herself and strength to stand up for her own needs and those of the people she cares about. Watching Eddie and Harrison really talking and working through the issues that have made their relationship challenging rather than ignoring them and just focusing on their intense physical connection was really rewarding. We are definitely presented with some unexpected information in this book that sheds a whole other level of dysfunction to one of the main story lines. Eddie and Harrison continue to have smoking hot chemistry with one another. Getting to experience both of them reconnecting with family and good friends was fantastic and made the really challenging issues easier to bear. I would definitely read more by this author in the future.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
My Review of In Pursuit
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