Title: ICE (Regulators MC, #1)
Authors: Chelsea Camaron and Jessie Lane
Release Date: December 8, 2014
My Review

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Brett "Ice" Grady takes the work he does for his MC seriously, and fatherhood even more seriously. Sometimes it is tough to tell whether running a team of bikers or raising a teenage daughter is tougher. Morgan Powell comes from a family where the appearance of perfection is most important. She wants to help her 18 year old sister after she's kicked out of their parent's home, but her sister is having a tough time staying out of trouble. Ice and Morgan are put in a situation where they are forced to work together. Though they are very different once they look beneath the surface, they find they might just be able to give each other something they both need.
I love a good MC novel, and I found this one enjoyable because there were some unique elements. Ice's MC is a little more than the average MC, and it somehow makes them even more badass. Morgan is an easy character to connect with and sympathize with as she struggles to come into her own in her life as well as help her sisters escape from a very dysfunctional household. The chemistry between Ice and Morgan, once they work through their initial issues with one another was very hot. I was cheering them on the whole time, and I liked how the theme of "things aren't always what they seem" kept popping up. I will gladly read the next book in this series, and more by this author in general.
*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review
Parking my bike on the edge of the road, I hop off with
Hammer and Coal following suit. They don’t bother asking questions, because my
reason for coming here is obvious as we make our way into a house full of
drunken teens.
Walking inside like I own the place, I see kids in every
corner, making out. The sight makes my blood boil. If I find some little
dipshit with his hands all over my baby girl, it is going to take both Hammer
and Coal to keep me from beating the shit out of him. I don’t care if they are teenagers;
no little prick is good enough to touch Brooke.
I glance into the formal dining room to my left, and someone
has one very expensive table that seats eight, making a perfect set up for beer
pong. Jesus, this is the nightmare of every parent. If I see one kid doing any
drugs, my head is going to explode.
“Brooke,” I call out. “Brooklyn Rayne Grady, get your ass
out here… Right. The. Fuck. Now!” I roar without a second thought.
All the teens stop and stare at me and my brothers filling
up this ostentatious entryway. When nobody moves, Coal steps up to be right
behind me on the left.
“Brooke, find her now,” Coal clips out, giving his cold
glare to every teen in the room.
At the top of the stairway, I watch my daughter meet Coal’s
gaze without one ounce of trepidation. Baby girl is showing balls of steel for
her friends. Her short as sin shorts make my blood pressure shoot up even
higher. The camisole tank top that I bought to go with pajamas is far from
hiding her buds from all these teen pricks.
“Dad—” she starts as I interrupt.
“Don’t say another fucking word. Get your ass on my bike.”
“Death of you,” Hammer chuckles behind me as he turns around
to get ready to leave.
Yes, my daughter will be the death of me. I watch as she
grabs her friend by the wrist and half drags her down the stairs, mumbling at
her the whole way down. When the two girls reach me, I don’t move.
“Come on, Dad,” Brooke lets out a huff. “Let’s go. This is
embarrassing enough already.”
“Everybody here, you have twenty minutes to get this house
cleaned the fuck up. Since you dumb shits have been drinking, a bus will be
here to pick each one of you up and take you home. My man Coal here is gonna
stay behind and make sure you do as I say.”
“Daaaad,” Brooke whines, “leave everyone alone.”
“Brooke, I suggest you shut your mouth and get your ass over
to my bike. If your friend needs a ride, Hammer will take her. Outside. Now.
You’re in enough trouble, don’t add more.”
Defeated, the two girls stomp off while Hammer shakes his
head at me while I turn to follow them all out. I haven’t even made it to the
door when I hear some pre-pubescent shithead slur out a question.
“Do you think they are, like, real biker dudes? Maybe we can
ask them to pop a wheelie or something. Wait!”
His voice cracks as he gets excited. “Maybe they’re from that show on TV! We
should ask for their autographs!’
God save me from teenagers. No doubt, Hammer is cussing me
out in his head for sticking one on his bitch seat.
Ice’s Dream Cast
About the Authors
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LIMITED TIME BONUS...buy your copy of Ice before 01/05/15 and get TWO bonus short stories from the Hellions Ride Series & the Ex Ops Series!
*On 01/06/15 both short stories will be pulled from the Ice book and set up to be bought individually by their respective authors. This means the short stories will disappear from the copy that you buy once your device updates.*
Regulators MC Series ...
Ice #1 - Available Now
Hammer #2 - Coming March 2015
Coal #3 - Coming June 2015
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