Finding Her Rhythm, Backstage Pass Book 1
Struggling after the death of her parents, Taylor let her hormones lead her into the biggest mistake of her life. Now she has a dangerous ex who still wants to own her and a desperate need for safety. What could be safer than her new job as a rock star nanny? Except now she’s locked herself in with a man who is potentially more dangerous…to her heart. Michael Korvello has a dominant nature and a lonely heart that he keeps firmly under wraps. His kids have suffered enough for the mistakes of his past. But his new nanny has those dark desires howling at the gate. The only thing keeping him in check is the fear lurking in those brilliant green eyes. Can he earn her trust, and the right to transform all her desires into reality? Just when neither can deny their need for each other, Taylor’s ex shows up like an unlucky charm, intent on taking back what he considers his…even if he has to destroy Michael’s world to get to her. Can two kindred souls protect the passionate love they ache for from an outsider bent on ripping them apart?

Barnes & Noble

“Chicken fight!” Becca wasted no time getting to her feet. “That would be my cue to exit. The annual chicken fight is definitely not my scene.” She strode toward the locker rooms, leaving Taylor to face the music. She turned a wide-eyed gaze toward the rest of the party, which was rapidly dividing itself by groups of two. Even the teenagers. Her stomach started to churn, faster and faster, like a merry-go-round gaining speed. She stayed put, sort of an “if I’m very still, no one will notice me” move. After all, no one had so far. But she should have known her luck would run out. Not two minutes later Michael detached himself from the group and swam in her direction. Oh, that hot dog had been a mistake. She just might puke in the pool. No. No no no. Please don’t make me do this. The last thing she wanted was for Michael Korvello to try to lift her. She could just imagine the stoic grunt as he realized just how much she weighed. Not to mention having to do it in front of a handful of women shaped like twigs. With boobs, of course. His head lifted above the water with slick grace, the wetness somehow deepening the smoky blue of his eyes. “I need a partner, Taylor.” She swallowed hard. “No, thanks.” “Come on. You wouldn’t leave me hangin’, would ya?” Her expression must have showcased some of her “you bet I would, mister” sentimentality, because the laughter in his ramped up. “Come on. Just a friendly game of chicken.” His emphasis on the word notated his challenge. Just like he challenged her every day. Drawing her out, coaxing her to take the leap. But this time she had fear of taking her towel off in front of thirty-some-odd people on her side. “Not happening.” She shook her head to drive her point home. Above the slosh of people in the pool, a voice suddenly rang out. “I thought you said she was a cool nanny?” A quick glance revealed the teens looking her way, and not a single soul left out of the pool, except one woman wrangling two toddlers. And her. So much for outgrowing peer pressure. Her “okay” got everyone back to their preparations and their eyes off her, thank God. But not Michael’s. He watched with a raised brow as she stood next to her lounger. Her legs shook with the desire to run back to the locker rooms and hide. How could she possibly do this? But some teeny-tiny spark inside insisted she could ramp up that sexy glint in his eyes. Fake it till you make it. Sucking in her stomach, she let the towel drop to reveal her new swimsuit. His gaze traveled down the teal one-piece with interest, lingering where it dipped low over her cleavage. Turning, she draped her towel over her lounger. A totally unnecessary maneuver, but his quick intake of breath told her he’d seen the heart-shaped cutout right over the dimples at the small of her back. Did he like them? Remembering when those dimples had been the subject of ridicule rather than an intimate secret between lovers, she approached Michael with a touch of caution. When she was within a few steps of him, he breathed, “Damn, woman.” Ah, victory. A few deep breaths got her through the indignity of climbing onto Michael’s muscled shoulders. Thankfully he didn’t moan or stumble over her weight. The only thing that eased her self-consciousness was the feel of his wet skin against hers. His hands warming as they curled around her thighs. The flex of his arms as he balanced her securely. Oh, she was so going to hell for her thoughts. Luckily no one else seemed to be paying her any attention as one of the men yelled, “Ready. Set. Go!”

Settling the Score Backstage Pass Book 2 Daniel Korvello isn’t your average Joe with a case of unrequited lust. He’s a rock star front man who wonders if his publicist will ever see him as anything other than a job. Then they team up to hunt down a threat to Daniel’s family...and he seizes the chance to show her he’s up for more than just a one night stand. Becca Buchanan already lived through one rock-star scandal with her reputation barely intact. She’s determined never to put herself, or her family, through that again. Only she can’t deny the desire she feels for Daniel. When he exposes the molten heat beneath her Ice Maiden exterior, she may never be able to freeze him out again. Then their amateur investigation takes a dangerous turn that threatens the lives of those they both love. Can their newfound trust extend past the bedroom? Can Daniel let go of his guilt enough to embrace a future with Becca?

Barnes & Noble

“You’re far too concerned about things outside of yourself—you can’t turn your brain off and simply focus on the pleasure.” Pleasure he desperately wanted to give her. Tears welling into her eyes told him he was on track, even if her mouth wouldn’t admit it. He held up the blindfold once more. “Which is why I need to teach you to shut all that shit out. To concentrate on how good you feel, not what I want from you. Not how you look.” She started, obviously surprised by his insight. Oh yeah, he’d known about her obsession with her looks for years. He wasn’t going to let that get in his way either. He brushed the length of material along her jawline. “Let me do this, Becca. For you.” For me. Those oh too vulnerable eyes closed once more, her chin tilting up in surrender. This close he could see her hard swallow as she awaited his next move, the pulse at the base of her neck picking up speed. The beauty of her in that position took his breath away. If he could get his hands on Rockin’ Reno, he’d break every bone in his sleazy little body. Way past time for Becca to find out what it was like to be with a man who put her needs before his own.

Striking a Chord Backstage Pass Book 3
Success as a US rock star is payback to Irish drummer Sean Rosslair, whose father insisted music was a waste. Now Sean just needs to see the body to go with the smokin’ sexy voice of his new assistant, and his world will feel complete. But she ends up being the very woman he should never have. Anxious to do a good deed, Meghan finally exposes her plus-size presence to her boss. Only he doesn’t react the way she expects—to her body or his brother. She takes her punishment for her white lie well—too well. Meghan can’t refrain from begging her boss for another spanking…but can she let go enough to embrace romance with a rockstar? Can Sean teach Meghan his erotic secrets before a hidden enemy puts him out of commission—permanently?

Barnes and Noble

Meghan rolled over, squinting open gritty eyelids to peak at the clock on the bedside table. After arriving at the hotel from the concert arena, she’d lain on the bed for just a few minutes and must have drifted off. All the lights in the room were still on, and her suitcase lay open on the bedspread beside her. Only an hour had passed. The slightly grungy feeling from her long flight had multiplied while she slept, reminding her that she’d planned to take a shower. Actually she was more of a bath girl, but she didn’t want to risk drowning if she fell asleep again. She made it quick, once she figured out how to work the faucet in the shower. The shock of cold water before the hot woke her up slightly, but she knew her body. One steamy shower, pjs, and a warm bed—she’d be out like a light. She could deal with Sean’s anger in the morning. He’d been none too happy with her when they got to the hotel. She’d ignored him, much as she would a child having a tantrum, while she checked in and got her key. Her southern starch had been evaporating under her exhaustion. Dueling wits with Sean took brain power, and she needed sleep for that to rejuvenate. Instead she’d made her way to her room. It wasn’t until they reached her door that she’d turned to him for the polite good night. Instead of anger, his face had held a strangely intent expression. Thrills had traveled down along her nerves, though she’d tried to ignore them. But she couldn’t ignore the way her heart had stopped as he’d reached out to finger a big, fluffy curl in her thick hair. “It really is good to be meeting you, Meghan.” His husky voice sent her into yet another tailspin, until all she could do was mumble as she escaped into her room. Do not fall for that rock star charisma, she firmly reminded herself. Teasing was one thing. Falling in love with her boss would be an epic mistake. As for falling in lust—it was way too late to stop that. Now her arms were almost too heavy to drag her oversize T-shirt on, so she settled for that and a pair of panties. Hopefully the hotel wouldn’t catch fire while she was asleep. Having to run around outside without a bra would be embarrassing beyond measure. She walked back into the bedroom and stared at her suitcase. Man, her body felt like lead. Pulling the luggage off the bed was just too much trouble right now. Maybe she could curl back in around it like she had earlier? “Need a hand with that?” If she’d needed proof of her girlhood, her squeal ringing off the walls would have been it. Fatigue clouded her every sense, so she’d missed Sean, who seemed to have taken up residence in the chair in the corner of her room. “What are you doing here?” she demanded in a deliberate bass, pressing her hand to her now racing heart. “Enjoying the view?” “Does this room look like a tourist attraction to you?” “It’s some kind of attraction, at least.” The fun house, maybe. Luckily she kept that to herself as her heart rate dropped closer to normal. Not that it was ever completely normal around Sean. Over the phone or in person, he revved every engine she had. His gaze returned to her bare legs, causing her to tug down the hem of her oversize T. Just a look should not turn her on. “What do you want?” she asked around clenched teeth. “I want my assistant to assist me.” “Can’t it wait until morning?” Or at least until I’m dressed? “It cannot. You’ll be sleeping when we get there.” Uh-oh. She looked wistfully at her bed. “Where?” “Rosslair House. You wanted me to go. We’ll be leaving in a few minutes.” “But I just got here.” Was that a whine in her voice? Not pretty, Meghan. Not that he would possibly care. “Too bad,” he said. “You got me into this. You can go along for the ride.”

Goin Out Solo Backstage Pass Book 4
Rock star Nate Hawthorne's good-guy status is as iconic as his black cowboy hat, despite his personal struggles. Now faced with his own mortality, he must choose whether to continue being the good friend, the good band mate...or risk being very, very bad. Sara Drayton has overcome a nightmare childhood to stand on her own merits, even if her overprotective brother can't see it. Nate has been her forbidden fantasy for years. Now he's offering her a no-strings weekend at his cabin to fulfill all her desires – except her wish to be his forever. Nate knows he's breaking the rules by taking Sara to bed, but he's desperate for the peace he can only find through her touch. With death on the horizon, can forbidden love bring one man back from the brink of an uncertain future?


“Smart ass.” Yes, she got that honestly too. She found smart ass answers worked a great deal better than raging at Jake. When she got angry, he simply dug in his heels from here to eternity. As much as she wanted her freedom, they both understood all too well his deep-seated need to protect her. Moving in close, she hugged him. With his arm around her shoulders, his surrounding warmth brought the same sense of security it always had. Only she couldn’t live like that forever. “Let’s save the protection for something major, okay?” Her voice dropped to a sad whisper. “I’m smothering, Jake.” He squeezed her tighter. “I don’t know if I can stop. Even now. Especially now.” He rubbed the back of his hand over her cheek. “Every time I try I just see the bruises and my heart stops beating for a minute…I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you behind.” Covering his hand with her own, she pressed his palm closer. “I know.” Sometimes she could still feel the impact of flesh against flesh and wondered all over again if she’d be alive right now if her brother hadn’t come home that day. She stepped back, shaking off the memories. “But brother dear, I’ll never find an overprotective husband to let you off the hook with you hovering.” Jake’s grin said he too appreciated the banter instead of yet another argument. “We could look into an arranged marriage.” “No, no, and no,” Sara said, lifting her hands as if to ward him off. She could just imagine the pipsqueak her brother would pick so he could go right on controlling her. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Actually, it’s not a bad idea. How else will I know I can trust the guy?” Heavy steps sounded from behind her before a deep rolling voice filled the space. “What about me?” Sara whirled around on the pavement, staring at Nate Bishop in shocked silence, but his body appeared perfectly at ease-though the look from under the black brim of his cowboy hat was as intense as always. Same as always, as if he were hiding something he didn’t want the world to see too well. “I can drive her home, if you want,” he said, shifting a little in his cowboy boots.

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