This was the first book of Ashley's that I read after she went pro (Grand Central Publishing vs her previously self-published titles). While this has the same feel as her other books- the main difference I noticed between pro-Ashley and indie-Ashley was the length. One of the things I loved about her self-published books was that they were super long. I'm sure that exact thing was someone else's complaint. I'm sure that editors all over the place addressed that very issue first. But I miss the crazy length. I loved spending all that extra time in the lives of her main characters. That said- this book scratched my KA itch just fine.
One of the things I love about her books is the interconnectedness of her characters between books and even between series. You will regularly see or hear about characters from other books pop up, and for me that always feels good. With this book- there were the obvious connections as this was a spin-off series related to the Chaos Motorcycle Club that we learn about throughout the Dream Man series. Specifically- this book is about Tack's (of Motorcycle Man fame) daughter Tabatha and Shy, who is one of the higher ranking brothers in Chaos MC.
Tabby has been in love with Shy since she was 16 years old. At that point in time Shy was in his early 20s in addition to Tabby being the daughter of the president of his MC so she was not an appropriate object of his lust at that time. Shy is called upon by the MC (as are other members of the club) to bail Tabby out of trouble she gets into during her late teens and to keep her safe from too much partying and dangerous boys. When Tabby is 19- Shy bails her out of trouble again and attempts to teach her a lesson to encourage her to get her life on track. It works in that Tabby stays out of trouble, goes to college and falls in love. It also prevents Tabby from having anything to do with Shy for several years. Shortly before Tabby is set to get married, a devastating event occurs that completely changes everything for her. She and Shy connect again as friends, but as she heals and grows that turns into a whole lot more.
For any Kristen Ashley reader- this whole book will feel very familiar. Many of her alpha-male characters share a number of qualities that feel sort of like her signature. There are subtle variations, however, you can expect that like her male leads in previous books- Shy is bossy, stubborn, hot, protective, and perfect in the sack. Tabby is pretty, sassy, and as the daughter of Tack- well equipped to handle a biker man and the biker lifestyle. Themes of love, family, sex, and the importance of knowing and being who you are flow throughout the book as they do through many of her books. You know what though? I don't care if it's similar or familiar. I think all of us know exactly what we are getting when we pick up one of her books, and then we are happy once we've gotten it. She's an author with a signature writing style, and it easily hooks readers and makes a lot of long-term fans. I'd give this 4 stars. I'll likely read more in this series as well as her others.
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